Should You Use Bottled Water or Fill Your Reusable Bottle with Filtered Water?

Which is better: Using bottled water, or filling a reusable bottle with filtered water? One is convenient but more expensive. The other is more affordable but requires slightly more effort. With a Whirlpool, Frigidaire, or Samsung refrigerator water filter , you have filtered water on demand. Bottled water, however, is entirely grab-and-go. Each option has its pros and cons, which can help determine the right choice for you. Reusable Bottle with Filtered Water Reusable water bottles come in a variety of materials and styles. Whether metal, BPA-free plastic, or glass, reusable bottles are a great, environmentally friendly way to stay hydrated—especially if you are using a GE, Maytag, or Samsung fridge filter to fill the bottle. If you’ve already decided to fill your reusable water bottle with clean, safe, filtered water rather than what runs straight from your tap, that’s great. Step two is keeping your water bottle clean. Reusable water bottles should be regu...