What Filters Do You Have in Your Home and How Often Should They Be Replaced?

You are likely familiar with the HVAC and refrigerator filters in your house, such as a Samsung fridge filter , but have you replaced your humidifier water panel? When was the last time you changed your spa filter? There are plenty of filters in your house to change, but you might not know which to change or when. HVAC Filters You are probably most familiar with the filter in your HVAC system, in a duct or the furnace. Generally, you should change your air filter every three months. Depending on whether you have pets, you may need to replace it more often. A vacation home, on the other hand, can survive six months to a year without a replacement. Clogged air filters can’t remove allergens from the air and should be replaced immediately. Plus, a clogged filter makes your HVAC system work harder, raising your heating bill and potentially damaging your system. Portable Air Filters If you have portable air filters, such as in a nursery or your home office, you may b...